A Train Adventure

We took Piper and Andrew on our light rail service through Pasadena to South Pasadena.  We got off at the Mission Street stop which has a few shops and restaurants.  After a picnic lunch Piper, Grandpa and Grandma shared some ice-cream together.  It was such a beautiful day!  Both Andrew and Piper had fun riding the rails.

Weekend Photos

It was a very fun filled weekend.

A friend gave us a house for Piper and Andrew to play and grow with. 

being silly

tubby time at the end of a day

Mini-Sports Class   

Piper had fun again at her mini-sports class.  Today, they worked on many different things including basketball.  Grandpa is excited to start practicing the new stuff she learned.

working on tagging

trying to tag coach Andy out

learning how to shoot the basketball

passing the ball

Yes!  Piper made a basket