Drew’s 1st Birthday Party

We had a birthday party for Andrew this afternoon with our friends and family.  Drew was a bit overwhelmed with all the people but loved his cupcake.  He dove head first into it and gobbled up all the icing.  It was funny to watch.

singing Happy Birthday

trying some of Piper’s icing which is just as good!

unfortunately this is the only photo of the two of them together

Piper’s Room

Piper’s room is finally complete!  We’ve been working little by little turning her nursery into a cozy little girl’s room.  She is very happy with the results!  Just an FYI that the coloring is a bit off in the photos.

As you enter into her room

the rainbow was painted by Piper all by herself

We also created the paper flowers in the frames

her shelf of animal friends

we made the headboard for her bed

Summer Solstice

Happy Summer!  Our first day of summer was a hot one.  The kids played around in the backyard after it had cooled down a bit. 

Piper went to school in the morning.  This week’s theme is The Littlest Bakeshop.  Today they made chocolate chip cookies.  She cannot wait to go back tomorrow and see what they get to do.

enjoying my dinner

all done!

Bouncing high.  Drew’s not sure what to think