Drew’s First Shoes

Andrew got his first pair of shoes last week and has been getting used to them.  We think it’s safe to say he’s officially walking now.  Although he still needs some practice.  It’s been really hard to get a picture of him because he’s always on the go.  Never still a minute.

A Water Filled Weekend!

Piper helped Daddy wash the cars today.  Well, actually she just waited for Daddy to spray her with the hose.  She LOVES getting wet! 

We also went to Kidspace last weekend and didn’t get a chance to post a few photos.  They have a great water area to keep the kids cool in.

Slip N’ Slide

Daddy found a slip n’ slide for the kids to play with while he was out shopping.  They had a ball sliding around and splashing.  It definitely kept them cool for a bit.

This face says it all…

A Great Summers Day!

We had a wonderful day together.  The kids played in the ladybug sprinkler in the morning.  Then we went to the Huntington in the late afternoon for a picnic and enjoy their free summer concerts.