Andrew’s Room and Outside Patio

Last Fall we enclosed our sunporch to make a room for Andrew and built a patio.  We are very happy  with how everything turned out.  Drew’s room is cozy and we spend lots of time playing there.  We just need to put things up on the wall but will wait until he moves into a bed.  It’s also wonderful being able to enjoy the outdoors.  The only thing left to do is have the outside walls painted so it all matches.

Gotta love our Christmas lights which we are calling New Year lights

Our Train Adventure   

Mommy was very brave today and took Piper and Drew on the light rail into Old Town by herself.  The kids behaved really well and we had a wonderful time.  The weather was also gorgeous!

Our first stop was Memorial Park station where they have a cute little park.  It was also very bright out.

Next stop – Del Mar

Our City Hall in the background. (also the backdrop for show Parks and Recs)

We had a great lunch at La Grande Orange.  One of our favorite places to eat.  The kids had tacos and ate very well.

We hoped to squeeze in another stop for ice-cream but the trains ran too slow.

Waiting for our train to the Allen Station

Doing some funny dancing while waiting

On our way home

Ready to play

Be Mine

The kids had a fun Valentine’s Day.  They went to a new indoor playground and had pizza for lunch.  They also enjoyed all the packages that arrived plus a few sweet treats!  Thanks to everyone who made this a special day for them!

One of the many pictures Piper did for Valentine’s Day.

There is a heart and a cake with candles plus a purple flower