Friday’s Adventure: Underwood Farms

This afternoon we headed out to Underwood Farms in Moorpark.  We had such a great time!  There were so many fun things for the kids to do.  They even had a show where Piper was able to learn about the animals on the farm and pet them.  Before we left we went out to the field to pick fresh strawberries. 

waiting for the show

There was a great slide they made out of a tractor

Checking out the animals.  Andrew thought the Emu was a duck…silly

Taking a train ride through the fields

Day Trip to the Beach

This afternoon we headed down to Seal Beach to relax by the water.  Our friends Erin and Caden also joined us.  It was pretty chilly but beautiful.  Piper was dying to go into the water even though it was freezing cold.  The sign said it was around 55 degrees but that didn’t seem to bother her.  Andrew also loved the water along with digging in the sand.  All the kids loved chasing away the birds. 

Lunch time

playing ball

Piper and Caden chasing the birds away

Andrew LOVED the water

Hot Wheels!

Piper received a very special gift from Grandma and Grandpa this weekend.  A new bike!  Piper has been asking us for a bigger bike for awhile.  Poor thing only had a tricycle to ride on.  This one is perfect.  It’s pink and just the right size.  Piper had no trouble figuring out how to ride it and use the brakes.  She even took a little ride with Grandpa around the block.  What fun she is going to have.

Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma!

Friday’s Adventure: The Americana

Today we took a trip over to the Americana outdoor mall.  It was a bit gloomy out but we made the best of it.  The kids played at the playground, hung out at the local book store and were entertained by the fountain.  The fountain put on a show to music that was so neat to see.  Afterwards we had a nice lunch.

Andrew was mesmerized by the water.  He was so excited over the show.