A Special Visit

Piper has been looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa’s visit since we left Beaver.  The day before they arrived Piper made a big sign to welcome them.  She also told anyone that would listen they were coming.

Piper was in bed when Grandma and Grandpa’s plane landed so she had to wait until breakfast to see them.  She hasn’t left their side since this morning.  Andrew is also having lots of fun enjoying their company.

Piper’s new favorite shirt to wear is this one.  She has it on every other day

Pajama Day

Today Piper’s school had a pajama day where everyone wore their p.j.’s even the teachers.  They made french toast and fresh orange juice.  Piper enjoyed every minute!

A Lazy Saturday

It was another beautiful sunny day here.  We enjoyed kicking back outside. 

Andrew loves pushing his shopping cart up and down the block.  It makes him so happy!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear   

Andrew loves reading.  Especially Eric Carle books.  He can’t seem to get enough of his stories.  We will find Andrew in his room reading out loud to himself.    He will read for a long time too.  Nighttime can sometimes be a challenge because he doesn’t want us to stop reading to him before bed. 

Here are some pictures of him enjoying the stories.