Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing all the mom’s out there a Happy Mother’s Day.  We had a great time spending the day together.  Piper also made some adorable gifts at school and drew lots and lots of pictures for me. 

We talked to Grandma Snitger over the computer Andrew made her day by calling her Grandma.  When she was out awhile back he still couldn’t say it.  He’s making progress.

The Toads!

We can’t forget to mention the highlight of the trip for Piper.  It was the toads!  They lived in our backyard and would come out at night. Each evening Piper and daddy  would go out in the back and  shine the flashlight on the little guys.  From the moment she woke up in the morning she would ask when it was going to be nighttime so she could see the toads.  Once we arrived home we asked her if she told her teacher and friends about her trip.  She said “yes, I told them all about the toads”.  So cute what makes the biggest impression to kids.

Our Last Day

We had a wonderful last day in Kauai.  There were a few showers that blew through in the morning.  They were all fast moving and created beautiful rainbows.  We spent some time at our beach then time at the pool.  Piper has been calling our beach Chicken Beach all week due to all the wild chickens.  In the late afternoon we went back to the beach for one last sunset before dinner.

Enjoying our last meal at Brennecks

The Luau

This evening we went to a Luau.  Before dinner they had an instructor teaching hula dancing.  Piper was excited to learn.  She even had a surprise guest hug her on stage.  Piper wasn’t so thrilled with the actual Hula Dancing show so we left a bit early.

Piper took this photo of us.