Apple Picking

Today we went up to Oak Glen to pick apples.  We stopped at our favorite spot, Riley’s at Los Rios Ranch which is at the base of the mountains.  We picked Gala, Red Delicious and Spartan.  Both kids had so much fun.  Andrew loved playing in the wooden crates and Piper loved picking apples.  The weather cooperated being on the cooler side with some heavy clouds. Then we went to Snow-Line for Apple Cider Donuts and Cider.  YUM! After that we had lunch at Apple Annie’s and bought a 5 pound apple pie which we can’t wait to try!This is a picture Piper drew of our family picking apples.  It even includes the bag for collecting them.  All this as we drove home in the car.The view of the apple orchard with the mountain in the backgroundThe view below of the ValleyCider Donuts!There was a man making ballon animals at the restaurant.  Piper got a purple ladybug

Friday’s Adventure: The Beach

Since this was our last Friday adventure for the summer we decided to head down to the beach.  It was just the three of us again.  The waves were pretty big so we didn’t venture out far.  But far enough to jump over them.  We also built sand castles, took a walk and found pretty shells.  The kids had so much fun and were so good!  I’m so thankful we have such great children so I can do things like this with them.

Making drippy sand on Andrew’s legs.  He loved itA very happy momma.  Thanks, Piper for taking this

Chalk Artists

The kids have been busy decorating our front sidewalk this week.  It’s fun to watch Andrew because he just follows Piper around.  No matter where she starts to draw he is right beside her.Being Silly photo

End of Summer BBQ

We hosted our last BBQ for the summer.  It was great getting 4 families together to celebrate.  Good times and GOOD food!  All the kids got along so well too.Piper with Mike and DeclanThe whole gangMaking baby Liam smile