Descanso Gardens

On Saturday we visited the Descanso Gardens.  They were having a Cherry Tree Festival.  Along with the Cherry Trees the tulips and lilacs were also in full bloom.  As a treat the kids road a train through the gardens.  DSC_0908 DSC_0940 DSCN0207 DSC_0963DSC_0935DSCN0237

Grandma’s Here!

Grandma arrived last Monday night.  I apologize for not posting sooner but she got here right as we were all getting sick.  It’s been a wonderful week with her and we are all enjoying the company!DSC_0930 DSC_0893 DSC_0895 DSC_0899

Under the Weather

This whole week Daddy, Andrew and Mommy all got hit with a nasty virus.  We were all down and out with pretty high fevers.  So we have been taking it easy and lying low.

Stay tuned for more fun adventures.  DSC_0887Andrew all snugged up in the bean bag with a very high fever.  He was just burning up all night long.  It’s nice see him back to himself again.

Wisteria Festival

After a yummy breakfast with Aunt Becca and Mr. Will at Andy’s we headed to Sierra Madre for the Wisteria Festival.  We walked along the art booths and then had some ice-cream.  Then we went up to see the Wisteria Vine.  It is the largest blooming plant in the world.  It smelled wonderful too!DSC_0852 DSC_0868 DSC_0873 DSC_0875 DSC_0878 DSC_0866

An Afternoon at the Arboretum

We took Grandpa to the Arboretum and strolled among the gardens.  There was so much to see: turtles, peacocks, ducks, geese, lizards and waterfalls.  It was so much fun!DSC_0810 DSC_0751 DSC_0750 DSC_0836 The house from Fantasy IslandDSC_0773 DSC_0741 Piper wanted to dress the same as mommy.  So we were twins for a day.DSC_0739DSC_0785 DSC_0792 DSC_0793