Surprise visit from Grandpa

On Wednesday Piper was surprised to see Grandpa at school picking her up.  She knew he was coming but thought she was going to see him at the airport.  What an exciting moment for her!  Andrew was also glad to see Grandpa and he has been following him around since he arrived.  Below are some photos from our picnic at Lacy Park.DSC_0728 DSC_0735 DSC_0731 DSC_0733

A Classic California Weekend

This weekend we headed up to the mountains to see some snow and then to the desert to enjoy some tennis.  A very classic California weekend!

IMG_1710 It just snowed on Friday so there was lots of fresh stuff to play in.  We borrowed a snowsuit from our friend for Andrew which worked out great.  The kids had so much fun making snowballs and rolling around. DSC_0621 DSC_0667 DSC_0683 DSC_0671 DSC_0642 IMG_1749 Then we were off to Palm Springs to watch tennis.  The kids stayed at home with a sitter so we could enjoy the day.  We lucked out and were able to watch Roger Federer practice for an hour.  He walked right beneath where we were sitting which was so exciting!  We are big fans!DSC_0714  IMG_1744 Hello, Dahlings !


Today we decided to sneak away and spend the day at Disney.  It was lots of fun!  The crowds were low and we tried two new rides out.  DSC_0601 DSC_0604 DSC_0607 IMG_2414

Winter is Back

The warm summer days are over. Today started a cooling trend.  It was cold and very gloomy out so we hunkered inside our sleeping bags.  Andrew checked out a few books while relaxing.  Rain is on the way!DSC_0599 DSC_0600