A Cool Day at the Beach

We took a drive up the Pacific Coast Highway to Malibu.  Unfortunately the sun was not cooperating today and it was overcast the whole time.  The kids had fun playing at Will Roger’s Beach even though it was chilly.  Then we warmed up with hot bowls of clam chowder.DSC_0100 IMG_1812 DSCN0432  DSC_0112DSC_0095

Catching Up

Some photos of what we’ve been up to for the week:DSCN0396 We sadly said good-bye to Grandpa.  It was so much fun having him here!  Piper made him a book of all the things they did together after he left.DSCN0402 Riding bikes (check out the training wheels)DSCN0404 catching ladybugs togetherDSCN0403IMG_2458 Enjoying her Spring BreakIMG_2465 Piper and mommy took a class at the Huntington on flower pressing because she loves doing this.IMG_2466 A snowball tree in the backgroundIMG_2472 DSCN0406 Grandma and Andrew having fun togetherDSCN0386 The girls got their nails done togetherIMG_2459IMG_1791

Downtown L.A.

Today we were tourist in our own city.  We wanted to do a few things on Grandpa’s list of things to see since it is one of his last days here. First we rode Angels Flight and saw the Grand Central Market.  This is in the area where mommy works.  Then we went to the California Science Center to see the Endeavour Space Shuttle.  It was a really great day!DSCN0344 DSC_0070 The incline carDSC_0071DSC_0078 DSCN0337The fountain at mom’s workDSC_0080 Mom’s buildingDSC_0074 DSCN0356 The Grand Central Market which is a huge indoor farmer’s marketDSC_0083 The Endeavour!DSCN0380Having fun at the Science Center