All Together Now

Grandpa arrived on Wednesday.  The kids have been enjoying their time with him and also Grandma.  It’s great having everyone here.  The only bad thing is the weather has been cold, wet and gloomy the last several days.  But sun is on the way soon.

On Thursday Grandma and Grandpa took a tour of Andrew’s preschool room and Piper’s room plus walked around the HPA campus.  Fun!DSC_0530Playing some mini-golf before the rainsDSC_0536 DSC_0540 At Andrew’s school.  He was so proud to show everyone around.DSC_0527Piper is always up for a celebration.  She made Grandma’s anniversary special since Grandpa had not arrived yet.

Holiday Festivities

DSC_0498 Our local mall started the holiday celebrations early this year.  They had ice-skating, ice sculpting, crafts and even SNOW!  Santa arrived a little later but we didn’t stick around for that.  We met up with Piper’s friend Lauren and enjoyed all the fun.  We even took a train ride.  The best part was the snow though.DSC_0500 Foam snowman…DSC_0502 A big Christmas TreeDSC_0503 DSC_0504 DSC_0518 Dancing in the snow.DSC_0522 DSC_0511DSC_0525

Hanging out with Grandma

Grandma is out visiting and we couldn’t be happier.  She’s so much help especially with the kids.  They haven’t let her have a moment of peace since she’s arrived but I don’t think Grandma is complaining.  We are looking forward to more fun days ahead.DSC_0484 We spent the afternoon at the Reagan Museum.  It was a gorgeous cool sunny day there. DSC_0463IMG_3275They had the Christmas tree display up which looked very festive.  This year the trees depicted regions of California.  Above is the Los Angeles tree that also included Pasadena. Below is the Hollywood tree.IMG_3277DSC_0452Getting ready for the holiday season.DSC_0490

Bike Riding

Andrew enjoys riding his pedal-less bike so much.  He goes pretty fast up and down the block. And even in the dark with the time change.DSC_0293 DSC_0304 DSC_0298 DSC_0297 DSC_0285