The Nutcracker

Mommy loves that Piper is old enough to enjoy the Nutcracker each Christmas.  It’s a real treat to enjoy this tradition with Grandma too.  This year we saw it at the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center.  They did a wonderful job!  Grandpa and Andrew had fun at home 1 DSC_1078 The ladies before the showphoto 2 DSC_1080

Snow Day

DSC_1039Piper and Andrew were so excited to see the snow when we landed on Wednesday.  They couldn’t wait to play in it.  We knew we only had a little bit of time with the temperatures warming up so we did as much as we could in a few hours.  DSC_0991We did lots of sleddingDSC_1020 DSC_0988 DSC_1002 DSC_0996 We made snow angelsDSC_0983 We just enjoyed the surroundingsDSC_1045 DSC_1051 We made a small snowmanDSC_1061 DSC_1056 DSC_1036 DSC_1072 Had a snowball fightDSC_1065 DSC_1006 DSC_1008 DSC_0982Please snow come back again real soon!