Piper’s Christmas Concert

Tonight was Piper’s Christmas concert for her school.  It was a very special night because she had a solo part.  She was so excited to sing and wasn’t the least bit nervous.  The song was called Christmas is my Favorite Time of Year.  We were very proud parents.DSC_0973 photo DSC_0953Some of her girlfriends from school: Emily, Francesca, Piper and EllaDSC_0969Piper singing.  She even got to hold the microphone on her own.DSC_0965Front and centerDSC_0971 DSC_0958Both kindergarten classesDSC_0977Piper and Bella

Warm Weekend

Our warm weather has finally returned.  We don’t want to rub it in but it was 80 today.  It felt good! DSC_0903Happy Birthday, Daddy!!  Since Dave isn’t a big cake person Piper had a great idea to make the cake out of swedish fish and oatmeal raisin cookies (both favorites).  We put everything together Friday night and surprised him the next morning.  He was very touched.  We had a great Saturday together.  We took the train over to South Pasadena and had lunch at the luggage room to keep the celebration going.  DSC_0914Today was a great day for making lemonade. DSC_0918 It was also a great day for decorating a gingerbread house outside.  The kids did a nice job.  Piper even thought to add gingerbread man cookies to it.  DSC_0921 DSC_0946 DSC_0923DSC_0933 DSC_0951 DSC_0950

Baking Cookies

The weather here has been so chilly.  It’s been in the mid-30’s when we wake up which is very cold for us.  We’ve even had frost on our grass.  The temperature only rises to about 60 during the day and our heater has been running like crazy.  We just aren’t used to this. Warmer weather looks like it’s on it’s say for the weekend though.

DSC_0542The kids have been keeping busy making cookies for the holidays. DSC_0548 DSC_0549Andrew’s reindeer cookie DSC_0550Piper’s cookies


DSC_0865We explored a new area at the Huntington Gardens on Sunday.  The discovery of a new path led us to the mausoleum where the Huntington’s are buried. It’s considered to be modeled after the Jefferson Memorial in D.C. and was designed by John Russell Pope.  What a beautiful site that not many people know is there.  It sits on top of a hill and over looks the grounds.  The best part is we were the only ones up there to enjoy it.  We will be keeping our secrete safe.DSC_0880 DSC_0884 DSC_0864 DSC_0859

Cozy by the Fire

DSC_0851 We snuggled up by the fire while listening to Christmas carols.  The kids made s’mores which was a lot of fun.  Andrew was just into the chocolate though.  A perfect winter night. DSC_0848 DSC_0852 DSC_0853