Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Last night we stayed up to see the lunar eclipse.  It was beautiful to watch the moon turn orange.  So glad we had the chance to see that.  (The kids were sleeping soundly as this all happened)DSC_1004DSC_1020 DSC_1017

Catching up

Daddy had to travel to a conference last week for work and was gone a couple of days. The kids missed him so much.  He surprised them both on Tuesday by picking them up from school.  Below are a few other photos from the week/weekend.IMG_3072 Giant stuffed dice from the NAB conference.  Thanks, daddy!IMG_3066 Andrew was especially excited to show off his classroom to daddy.IMG_3067 IMG_3069 IMG_3551 The kids making each other laugh.IMG_3558We started soccer classes on Thursday.  They both really liked it.  Will have better photos next week.IMG_3077 Weekend bike riding.IMG_3080

A Great Grandparents Visit

It was hard to say good-bye to Grandpa and Grandma after such a great visit with them. We did lots of fun things together and can’t wait to be together again.  Thanks for everything!DSC_0968