Our Swimmers!

The kids love to swim.  In just a few short weeks Piper has moved up to level 4 and Andrew moved up to level 2 in their lessons.  We can see the progress in both of them.IMG_3310 IMG_3308 IMG_3298 Piper’s friend had a pool party over the weekend.  There were 18 kids all together!IMG_3303 IMG_3292

Fun Friday: Swimming!

IMG_3783I think we will be doing a lot of swimming this summer.  The kids love it so much.  I gave them a bunch of ideas with what we could to do today and they both wanted to go swimming.  We were just at the pool on Wednesday too.  It’s amazing the progress they have made by taking lessons. It will be fun to see what level they are at by the end of summer.IMG_3778 Andrew can swim far under water but I wasn’t able to capture it.IMG_3795 Practicing floatingIMG_3793 IMG_3774This is from our pool day on Wednesday…water bugs!

Andrew’s Last Day of School

DSC_1457Today Andrew celebrated his last day of preschool. He will return next Fall and go 3 days a week.  The afternoon ended with a party that included lunch and getting their certificates. Piper and I were invited to join in on the fun.  It’s officially summer!!DSC_1448 DSC_1451 DSC_1452 Waiting to be called by Mrs. NelsonDSC_1453 DSC_1454 Getting a big hug from Mrs. NelsonDSC_1458 DSC_1467 Mrs. Tsai who took good care of him in the mornings before school startedDSC_1462 Being silly with ConnorDSC_1464 Reading to his big sisterDSC_1447 Out on the playgroundDSC_1470Last day of school (it was too bright)DSC_0838First day of school

Summer Reading

IMG_3732The kids are looking forward to participating in the summer reading program at our local library.  They got neat holders to keep their library cards from not getting lost and a summer reading challenge to complete by August 3rd.  Should be fun!