
A great night to be together.  Aunt Becca had us over for a Steeler’s party and a mini birthday party for Piper. It was really sweet and Piper loved every minute of it. What a great night!  Thanks again!DSC_0742 DSC_0739 DSC_0731 DSC_0734 DSC_0749

Apple Picking at Oak Glen

DSC_0700We went up to Oak Glen to apple pick this morning.  It was a nice cool day with a brilliant blue sky.  We picked Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and Spartan apples.  There weren’t as many trees or apples to pick from this year so it was a little disappointing. After picking we had lunch at Los Rios and headed over to Snow Line for the apple cider donuts.  The donuts were our favorite part of the day!DSC_0722 DSC_0687 DSC_0708DSC_0724 DSC_0684 DSC_0717 DSC_0688 DSC_0720 DSC_0727

Piper’s updated room

Piper’s bedroom recently got a makeover.  We knew she was going to get homework this year so we got her a desk and cleaned out her old toys.  Over the summer she also inherited a bed frame from a friend.  We spent last weekend organizing everything including moving around the artwork.  It turned out great and Piper is really happy.  Soon we will have photos of Andrew’s room once we get some photos on the wall.DSC_0687 The new desk and new hook for her backpack. Makes doing homework a snap. Piper made the cherry blossom picture and painted the Hello Kitty sitting on her desk.DSC_0684 DSC_0690 DSC_0692Piper made the flower above the letter I on the last day of schoolDSC_0685


We are sizzling out here.  Today our temps reached 106!  We went to the beach in hopes to cool off but it was even hot at the beach.  The water made everything better though. This heat wave is to continue for a few more days. Can’t wait for cooler weather.IMG_3713 IMG_3716 IMG_4125 IMG_4134

First Day of Preschool

Today was Andrew’s first day of school.  He was very quiet and shy as I dropped him off. It’s a new teacher and classroom this year which he needs to get used to. I think once he gets into routine he will enjoy it more.  There will be lots to learn!  He will attend Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.DSC_0674 DSC_0672 DSC_0680 DSC_0682