Meet the Teacher – Preschool

We had a busy afternoon.  First we went to Andrew’s school to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  Then we went to Piper’s school for back to school night.

We hope Andrew has a good year again.  Unfortunately we didn’t get the teacher we were hoping for.  Seems like a nice class though.  We also learned how busy Piper is going to be in first grade. Wow!  What a difference between first and kindergarten.  DSC_0671 DSC_0669 doing a small craft in the classroomDSC_0672riding bikes on the playground with his big sister

Second Day of School

Piper’s second day at school was even better than the first because she was able to see her two friends who are in the other class more.  They played at recess and sat together at lunch.  Starting next week homework begins!DSC_0658 DSC_0659 The classroomDSC_0660 Piper sits with 4 girlsIMG_4114 Life just isn’t as exciting without his sister around

First day of 1st Grade!

Piper had a great first day of school.  It’s still hard to believe she is starting 1st grade. Piper woke up early this morning because she was so excited.  Today was just a half day to get the kids settled.  Tomorrow and going forward she will go 8:30 – 3:10pm. This is an hour later than her kindergarten dismissal. Her teacher’s name is Ms. Summers.  It looks like it’s going to be a good year.DSC_0647DSC_0644 DSC_0651 DSC_0653 Piper’s hook for her bag.  DSC_0654her deskDSC_0657 Ms. Summers in the background.  School was just beginning. DSC_0650 DSC_0640The night before 1st grade (thanks, Grandma S. for the book)

IMG_4113 Mom and Piper went to lunch together and then to Color Me Mine just like last year.IMG_4111