Weekend Photos

Here is a hodge podge of photos from this weekend and before. IMG_4250On Friday Piper’s class made ice-cream.  They are studying states of matter in science. They did an experiment with liquid turning into a solid.  What a treat! Piper is in the back of the photos.  Notice how the group grew once they figured out pictures were being taken.IMG_4251 IMG_4253 On Sunday we helped Aunt Becca celebrate her birthday at the Smoke House.  IMG_4255IMG_4244 A nice bike ride around the Rose BowlIMG_3936 Chilling outIMG_4239This is a photo taken over the Halloween weekend.  It was really chilly here.  Piper read Andrew stories of Curious George that day.  It was really sweet.

Hanging Out with Laura

Reunited and it feels so good!

We don’t see much of our babysitter because both kids are in school now.  The kids miss her so much especially Andrew.  He keeps asking when she is coming back.  Laura has also missed the kids.  She called this week and asked to take them to park so she could spend some time with them.  They were thrilled.  Andrew counted down the days like it was his birthday.  They were so happy to be together again! DSC_0267

Trick or Treat

We had an early dinner at Nathan’s house who is a classmate of Piper’s.  Four other friends joined in on the fun.  It was a great night to be out because it was actually cool and not 85 degrees.  I think this is the first Halloween ever where it’s been in the 60’s.  DSC_0271IMG_3898 IMG_3900