From Ice Skating to Playing in the Sand

Whew!  We weren’t sure we were going to be able to make a trip to the beach this visit. The weather hasn’t been cooperating and our time has just been flying by.  Even though we have a lot to do before the holiday we decided to go and just enjoy.  We ate at our favorite place and then went to Zuma Beach in Malibu.IMG_4412 Ah…not a bad way to enjoy a fresh seafood lunch with this view…DSC_0498 Fun at Zuma beach.  I should know better to bring their suits no matter what the month.DSC_0511 DSC_0522 DSC_0503 DSC_0532 DSC_0500 DSC_0548 DSC_0556 DSC_0559 DSC_0566 DSC_0570 DSC_0537 DSC_0551 DSC_0504

Ice Skating in Downtown Los Angeles

It was a beautiful warm sunny day.  So we decided to go ice skating at Pershing Square in downtown. The kids both did really well.  This is Piper’s third time skating and by the end of the session she was going around all by herself.  This was Andrew’s first time and he did a nice job balancing himself.  We can’t wait to go again.  DSC_0502 Getting ready to skateDSC_0497 DSC_0564

Piper above on her final loop around.  In the background is mommy’s new office building. They just recently relocated.  Grandpa and Andrew got to take a quick tour.DSC_0560 DSC_0542 DSC_0530The rink is a good size for it being outdoors.DSC_0532

Piper’s Christmas Concert

Thursday evening we enjoyed a wonderful Christmas concert performed by Piper’s school. DSC_0430 DSC_0426 DSC_0435 DSC_0434 DSC_0423 Left to right: Teddy, Evan, Piper, Karolina, Katherine, Ava-Kate, Caden and EmilyDSC_0418Ava-Kate and JacksonIMG_4378Eliana and Nathan