R is for Robot

On a happier note…the letter of week at Andrew’s school is R.  He brought in a robot that we built together last week for share day.  Happy Friday!IMG_9504

Mr. Juan

Our neighbor Juan passed away this morning after a short battle with cancer.  He was an amazing man and we are very sad to see him go.  It breaks our hearts that we will never hear his voice or see his smiling face one last time.  He was so great with our children and they will miss him. R.I.P dear Mr. Juan.

We were lucky to have Joanne and Juan over for a meal that Piper cooked in September. At that time he was cancer free from Lymphoma treatments he had over the summer.  Two weeks later he was diagnosed with a brain tumor that took his life.IMG_3229 Trick or treating at Juan and Joanne’s.  He always had gold coins and special treats for the neighbor kids.  What a guy!IMG_7804

Down and Out

The kids have been sick with fevers.  Andrew’s started on Wednesday with a bad cold. The first two days he was functioning but on Friday his temperature rose and he wasn’t feeling good at all.  By Sunday he seemed to back to himself again.  The doctor said it was just a virus so there wasn’t much to do besides waiting it out.

Piper’s fever started on Thursday and was very high with a sore throat.  She’s been down and out the whole time.  She still had a fever Monday morning along with a bad cough so we were back at the doctor today.  The doctor heard wheezing in her lungs so an x-ray was taken to rule out pneumonia.  She gave her an inhaler to help with the cough.  We hope she’s fever free tomorrow..It’s been a long few days.IMG_9459 Andrew was up and working on his beads Thursday.  He wasn’t letting his fever get him down.  This day he created himself, blue bear and Piper.  (The P for Piper looks correct on the melted side.)IMG_9461 IMG_9470Resting on the couch on Friday.  You know they don’t feel good when they take naps during the day.  Especially PiperIMG_9484 The view from the doctor’s office.  That’s the Santa Anita Racetrack in the background.IMG_9480Piper had to sit with this device on to help open her lungs so the doctor could hear better. She said it made breathing a lot easier until it wore off.