Lunch at the Huntington

IMG_9976 Daddy, mommy and Piper had lunch at the Huntington while Andrew hung out with Grandma and Grandpa at home.  It was a beautiful day to be out.DSC_0973 DSC_0976 DSC_0961DSC_0949 DSC_0952 Turtles sunning themselvesDSC_0947 DSC_0977 The roses are bloomingDSC_0975 IMG_9983

Weekend away at La Qunita

We went to La Quinta to visit the Kretchmar’s this weekend.  It was a very fun trip! IMG_9893 Piper, Andrew with CamiIMG_9903 IMG_9908 IMG_9887 IMG_9987 Piper and granddaughter Cami got along so well.  Here they are in their matching dresses that the Grandmas bought from the outdoor market.IMG_9929 IMG_0438 Grandma also bought Andrew a shirt that he was able to color in himself.IMG_9936 IMG_9950 IMG_9909 IMG_0441Pretending to zoom aroundIMG_9910

Busy Week

IMG_9881 Grandma and Grandpa are out for a visit!  YAY!!!!IMG_0423 Pajama day at Andrew’s school. They made pancakes too.IMG_9854 Playing baseball. Looks like Grandpa’s shoulder is working good…IMG_9862 IMG_9870 Dad and special friend day breakfast at Piper’s school.  So nice Grandpa can join in.IMG_0425 IMG_0427 (1)IMG_9851The book fair at High Point