Trip to Hershey

On our way to the shore we stopped in Hershey for the night.  The kids made their own candy bar which was lots of fun.  We met Aunt Bernie, Uncle Fred and Aunt Dottie for dinner.  It was so nice for all of us to get together.  IMG_0298 The sweetest place in the world.IMG_0244 IMG_0103 IMG_0126 IMG_0120 IMG_0030 IMG_0316 IMG_0028It was so nice to have dinner with this group!

Summer Vacation

We arrived in Beaver a little later than we had hoped.  Unfortunately our connection was delayed making our flight land in Pittsburgh at 3:00AM.  It took a few days to recover but we are glad to be here for summerIMG_0301 Sleepy heads….IMG_0106IMG_0228 We were glad to see rain!

A Hot Happy Father’s Day

We are sweltering in this monster heat wave.  It was 106 yesterday and 110 today!  IMG_1452We had a great time celebrating dad’s day.  The kids made lots of cards and made daddy feel so special.  In the evening we went to our neighbors for dinner.  IMG_1470 IMG_1393 Having a water ballon fight on FridayIMG_1473View from our backyard of one of the fires that started today

Last Day of Basketball Camp

Andrew had a great week.  He learned a lot about basketball and made some new friends. Today each of the grade levels played a game and we were invited to watch.  At the closing ceremony they all received a trophy and basketball.IMG_1380 IMG_1433 IMG_1441 Andrew’s coachIMG_1442