Cotillion Classes

Piper was invited to be a part of a Cotillion class with her friends from school.  They will learn social manners that include a practice in confidence, dining etiquette, social skills, manners and easy to learn dance steps.  Tonight they learned the instruction of of dance, manners and dining skills.  Piper had a great time although thought it was ackward at times when being led by the boys…img_3656 The High Point Classimg_1196-1 Piper, Bella, Sunshine and Emilyimg_1193 Piper and Francescaimg_1184 img_1187 image-9-22-16-at-8-05-pm-2 image-9-22-16-at-8-05-pm-1 img_1189-1 The whole groupimg_1213Piper and Annabel

Great First Week

Piper and Andrew had a great first week at school.  Piper is loving her teacher who makes learning very fun.  She’s also enjoying seeing all her friends again.

Andrew is fitting right in with Kindergarten.  He meets new friends each day which he tells us about.  He is enjoying the new routine and likes his teacher a lot.   It’s going to be a great year for both of them

Each day Piper walks Andrew to his homeroom and also sees him during P.E.. Occasionally she checks on his at lunchtime.  It’s great having them at the same school.   img_1144img_1140img_1147Crazy peacock on the roof before leaving for school.

Tomato Picking at Underwood Farms

We headed out to the farm for our annual pick your own Roma tomatoes.  This has become a fun family tradition.  This year the weather was nice and cool.  We made lots of yummy tomato dishes all weekend long and shared them with our friends.  IMG_1116 IMG_1072 (1) IMG_1138 IMG_1077 IMG_1094 (1) IMG_1135 IMG_1134 IMG_1082 IMG_1083 (1) IMG_1111 IMG_1112 IMG_1128