
img_2296 Making our annual cookies for the neighborsimg_2299 Girls day at the Nutcrackerimg_2305 Swing time at Lacy Parkimg_2310 Brennan met us there to playimg_7244-jpg img_2322Bike riding

JPL Field Trip

Piper’s 3rd grade class had a field trip to JPL and it was very interesting!img_2287 img_2266 In front of satellite Cassini which is orbiting around Saturn.  It will plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere in about 9 months. img_2270 Checking out the two rovers that first landed on Mars. img_2271Viewing Venus, and the rest of the Solar System models.img_2278 Mission Control Room.img_2281. This control room is where they watched the last Mars Rover landing.img_2269 Satellite June that is orbiting Jupiterimg_2272 Mars displayimg_2273 img_2283 img_2265Movie

School Holiday Concert

img_2239Tonight was the annual High Point holiday concert.  This was a special night because it was Andrew’s first time participating.  Each grade sang 3 songs and all the performances were very entertaining.  img_2253 Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to be here.img_2252 Piper’s classimg_2243 Andrew’s classimg_2242Andrew and Andrew