Relaxing in La Quinta

We had a relaxing time in La Quinta visiting the Kretchmars. The timing worked out great because we were able to celebrate Cami’s 3rd birthday with her.   So much fun in the spool! Life doesn’t get much better… Grandma Lea kept up with the tradition of matching outfits.  Don’t they look adorable!!!   So sweet!!  Playing dice Getting to swim at night?!  Again, life is good…  A swim before breakfast!  They can’t get enough! Piper and sweet Cami Even Truman took a dip

Joshua Tree

We stopped by Joshua Tree Natural Park on the way to La Quinta.  The area we explored was the Northwest park where there is a forest of Joshua Trees.  Fun fact: Joshua Trees are not located in all areas of the park.  It was just beautiful to see and the photos don’t do a justice. We only saw a small part but hope to go back and explore more one day.    Yes, that is a snowy mountain in the background.  It was strange to be in the desert and see snow top mountains.