Super Soccer Saturday

Andrew played his best game of the Fall soccer season today.  We were so proud!  He is part of a great team too.  It was a gorgeous day on Saturday in the 70s and then we woke up to snow on Sunday morning.  It was only a high of 25 degrees too.  Crazy Denver weather!

First Snow!

We had our first snow today.  It didn’t stick but was pretty to see.  At Bluff Lake the leaves are turning yellow and it’s looking like Fall around town. 

Puzzah Escape Room

Piper and two of her friends did an escape room for her birthday.  It was quite an adventure.  They took the train downtown, ate Mongolian for lunch and accomplished solving problems at Puzzah Escape Rooms.  The weather was very cold and dreary. With good pals Bela and Delaney  Waiting for their food Freezing on the walk overUnion Station was very festive for Fall