Happy Valentines Day

We had such a fun Valentine’s Day! The kids helped decorate the table and we made our traditional breakfast for dinner. Then we exchanged cards and opened presents. I think we out did ourselves with lots heart shaped foods this time!
Andrew had a party on Thursday for Valentine’s Day. SO much snow walking to school.
3rd Grade party with BFF Owen

Night Snow

All this snow is making up for none in January. They were calling for a couple of inches but we got way more! It was coming down pretty good so we went out to play while it was quiet and fresh. The only bad thing is we didn’t get a school delay and the roads were terrible. We probably had more snow this morning than last Friday!

Andrew measured 7 inches included our past few snows
Max came out to play too
Our poor snowman
Our front steps

More Snow Fun

The temperatures were up the 50s on Saturday but then we woke up to more snow Sunday.
Piper and I made wontons which were really fun to make.
Keeping cozy and warm
Our poor snowman melted Saturday then got covered again in snow.

Best Snow Day!

The kids lucked out by having an unexpected snow day on Friday! They had so much fun enjoying their time off! We have missed the snow!!

Piper hung out with neighborhood friends who have a hot tub…jealous!
Girls day off!
Later in the day
The start to the snowman
Our cat Max loves the snow!
Piper and Bela enjoying the snow.
Sledding at night is the best!
Snowballs as big as their heads
How we all feel on Monday morning…