Old Town Hot Springs

We had a wonderful weekend of skiing, eating and soaking. This time we checked out the pools at Old Town Hot Springs right in town. They even had a slide which made it extra fun!

Water slide!
Relaxing at our hotel
Our hotel
Main street at night. It was a cute little town.

Strawberry Park Hot Spring

We spent the weekend in Steamboat Springs which we have never been to before. Everyone said that the Strawberry Hot Springs were a must and they didn’t disappoint. It’s a natural mineral hot springs in a beautiful mountain setting. It was also very therapeutic!

We made sure we tried out all the pools. Was so lovely with the snow all around.

Sunday Funday

We had a nice day with an outing to the zoo before the snow started. Then we did some regrouping for Monday. The weekends are always too short! Piper and I also treated ourselves to a pedicure.

A lot of the animals were out despite the colder temps.
Taking photos of the lions
Yikes! Those Big Horn Sheep look dangerous, ha!
A zookeeper doing some hands on feeding.
The zoo has a new baby Rino but we won’t be able to see her until about 8 weeks from now. We can’t wait!
Being pampered!