Friday Walk at Bluff Lake

Friday was a beautiful day after the snow we got yesterday. The temps got into the 50s and melted the snow. We decided to do another walk around Bluff Lake. This time we saw eight deer up close and a tiny turtle.

We climbed trees
Can you believe we just had snow yesterday?
We also skipped rocks
Enjoying the view
The tiny turtle is on the log

Snow Day!

We got some snow today. The kids were hoping for a snow day but they still had school work to do.

We tried to play outside but it was cold!
Our poor trees…

Still Keeping Busy…

More photos of what we’ve been up to over the past weeks.

Getting school work done on a daily basis
planting a herb garden starter kit
Baking banana bread
More walks at Bluff Lake. Today we got to see the deer up close!
Building with Legos
Lego Dots