Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny brought lots of candy this year. We just hunkered in today because it was cold and snowy out.
Craft project sent by Grandma
Our attempt at bunny pancakes.

Some Easter Fun

Our block of neighbors got together and organized an individual family egg hunt. The kids all came out at the same time and hunted in our own yards for eggs. It was fun and great to see the neighbors!
Next we dyed eggs with Grandma and Grandpa over Zoom. We hate that we couldn’t be together this year!
Earlier in the day we opening baskets from Grandma and Grandpa
Today our temps are in the mid 70’s. Tomorrow’s high is 30 degrees and a chance for snow!

Bluff Lake

We walked around Bluff Lake today and enjoyed the Spring weather. We saw deer, turtles, prairie dogs and lots of interesting birds.

Making Donuts!

We found a bakery that sells donut making kits. They were fun to make and tasted delicious! Just what we needed!
Singing while working