Rocky Mountain National Park

We went to Rocky Mountain National Park late in the afternoon and had so much luck finding wildlife! We saw 14 Moose, tons of Elk, a couple of deer and a few Marmots. It was such an exciting day seeing so many Moose! We took a picnic dinner to Lake Irene and had the place to ourselves. It was a great outing!

Lake Irene where we had dinner
Some unexpected dinner guests
View from the top of RMNP
Hazy sunset due to all the fires burning West of us
On our way out we saw a field full of Elk.
Gracie checking out the Elk

Sewing Project

Piper found a fun project to work on when we got home. She took a plain white sweatshirt, took it apart and then dyed each piece separately. After that she sewed it all back together. She went to the library to use their machines and even used an industrial machine to get the hood back on. It was so much fun that she made two.
She had a tough time getting the hood back on for the first one but was able to figure it out for the next.