Beaucoup de Manger

We ate a lot of delicious food on this trip!

Our favorite cafe around the corner was Cafe Poincare. We ate there several times.
Andrew said they had the best Vanilla ice cream he has ever had.

Uncle Will and Aunt Rebecca enjoying a meal.

We also ate a lot of crepes. Here we are on the Rue Mouffetard
Hot chocolate from Angelina

Delicious Thai food

More delicious crepes!
Family dinner at Les Deux Magots

Marches et Macarons

We loved walking around the city enjoying all the sights. Some of the highlights were hitting the street markets. They were beautifully filled with fresh produce, fresh cheeses, meats, flowers and fish. Another favorite was the bakeries. There is nothing better than fresh croissants and macarons.

Laduree. One of the most famous of the macaron bakeries
Our favorite local bakery around the corner. They had adorable Mouse desserts for Halloween.

The President Wilson market by our apartment

trying out new hats
Rue de Grenelle Market in the 15th underneath the metro
Rue Mouffetard Market in the 5th
Rue Cler Market in the 7th
Our favorite thing at the markets are the potatoes that sit below the rotisserie and soak up all the juices

En Famille

The family is all together now!

Meeting Brianna’s family at her dad’s house for dinner. Pictured is cousin Sarah
Brianna’s step mom
Brianna’s dad
Brianna’s sister Laura and daughter Lea
It was quite the Lebanese spread for dinner
Angelina’s famous Mont Blanc