Wow! Lots of new faces today.

Piper got to experience a bit of “information overload” today.  First an all night flight with little sleep then greeted by grandpa first thing in the morning.  Then meeting all sorts of new people while being the center of attention!  All this before breakfast led to a bit of a breakdown where she needed mommy and a little rest.

The remainder of the day went good, she got to see both Grandma & Grandpa – Deelo & Snitger all in the same day!  She also saw lots of festive Christmas decorations and tons of wrapped presents.  Now only if there was one under the tree for Piper?? hmm…

Grandpa greeting Piper

Cousin Jeffery helping Piper with her “touchdown” form

3 month check up

Going in for her 3 month tune up, Piper got poked, weighed and sent on her merry way.  We can’t believe it but she’s now up to 11lbs 10oz and 23” long!  We knew she grew alot over the past few weeks but had no idea it was this fast.  The doctor was happy with the progress and gave her a few shots before sending her off.  Now she’s good to go for another month before her next check up.  For now, she’ll just recover and wait for the little shot marks to heal.

Rainy Tuesday

It was a gloomy rainy day here so Piper got to stay all snugged up in her new cute jammies.  It was a fun day with alot of play time this morning before Daddy headed off to jury duty (we hope he will still be able to come home since this case is lasting longer than anyone expected).  The rest of the day was filled with naps and lots of staring out the window at the rain falling down. 

Then we settled in for an evening of snuggling and watching The Bishop’s Wife with (you guessed it) Cary Grant!  Piper and mommy enjoyed it very much.

12 Weeks!!!

Hard to believe that Piper is celebrating her 12 week birthday today!  She got all fancy for the occasion and put on a very pretty dress.  Mummy can’t believe she finally fits into some of the outfits she received when she was first born (it makes her a bit sad to think about it).  Back then, all these clothes looked so big. 

We looked at the photos from when she was born and can’t believe how tiny she was!  It’s amazing how much she’s grown in such a short amount of time!  The photos below in her crib show her at one week (left) and one at 12 weeks (right).  Now a days she stretches out now more and doesn’t need to be in a ball.  Time is going fast and we can’t believe how far she’s come when we look back.