A Sunny and Rainy Saturday

Today we woke up to beautiful clear blue sunny skies.  The air was so fresh and warm that we couldn’t wait to get out on a walk.  Later this afternoon the clouds rolled back in and started raining again.  So we cozied up to play, sing and be silly together.  Then Piper had a bath, read a few stories with mommy and was off to la la land with the sound of rain to keep her company throughout the night.

Happy Friday!

It was another cold wet day here in Southern California and it’s so cold that our local mountain has snow on it!  We ran a few errands between the storms and Piper really had to bundle up.  That’s when we snapped the photo of the mountain below.

Piper is becoming very active and loves to play, you can see the photo where she is trying out her new swing.  After a day of cool rain and chilly air, she warmed up in a nice bath before heading off to sleep.

Four Month Check-Up

Despite the gloom and rain continuing here in Southern California, there seemed to be a bright spot in Pasadena where Piper played.  First, she started off the day by visiting the doctor for her four month checkup.  She received a couple of shots along with really sparkly band-aids (lucky her).  She also weighed in at 13 lbs 4 oz and is now 24” in length.  Not a huge gain but excellent as far as the doctor was concerned.

The rest of the day she was hungry, playful and sleepy.  Mostly sleepy because those shots really took a toll on her.  Since the weather outside was dark and rainy, it made perfect napping conditions where Piper could concentrate on recovering from the trauma.  Yucky!  Let’s hope those shots are coming to an end soon.

A cold wet day

The rain storm finally moved in so Piper and Mommy stayed in again.  Piper helped mommy make cookies today which she really enjoyed being part of the action.  The rest of the day was more of the same: sleeping, eating and playing.  Tomorrow, we head to the doctors for her 4 month check up.  Stop back tomorrow for a full report.

A Gloomy Tuesday       

The weather was more of the same today so Piper hunkered inside where it was warm and dry.  Not much new to report today.  She’s doing much better with her nap time and is getting into a more consistent routine.  She is also holding her head up really well.  We just can’t believe how much she has grown even from a few weeks ago when we were back in Beaver.