Trip to Lacy Park

Piper, Grandpa and mommy headed down to Lacy Park to enjoy the beautiful day.  They strolled around before stopping off to play in the grass.  Piper got to practice sitting up on her own and was able to kick around.  Then they stopped by the playground so Piper could swing on the swings and slide on the slide.  She really enjoyed herself and had a great afternoon nap after all the fresh air. 

Tonight we said goodbye to Grandpa.  It was hard to see him go but we look forward to seeing both Grandpa and Grandma really soon.  Piper will miss them very much.  She is so fortunate to have a Grandpa and Grandma who love, care for her and want to be a part of her life.  They are very special people to all of us.

Bye Bye Grandma

One final feeding of barley cereal with Piper then it was off to the airport where Grandma took a jet ride back home to Pittsburgh.  Piper and Grandma really had a great visit and they got to do so much together.  Grandpa is still out for a few more days before he heads back to PA as well.  For now Piper is enjoying all the great attention and spoon fed yumminess!

Celebrating turning 6 months old!

Piper is celebrating her 6 month birthday today!  We almost can’t believe she can be that old already.  She has grown up so much from the early days and is such a happy loving baby!  In honor of her big day we got a little cake to celebrate with. 

Tonight, Grandma and Grandpa got to babysit Piper while mom and dad had a nice dinner out.  They loved every minute playing and laughing together.

Yesterday, she tried barley for the first time and enjoyed it as much as her oatmeal.  It’s so cute to watch her open her little mouth for the spoon.  We can’t feed her fast enough with the grains.  Grandma got to help out with the feeding today and had so much fun.

Happy First Easter Piper

Piper woke up her first Easter morning to a basket full of goodies from the Easter Bunny!  Seems the bunny was nice and left a little bit of something for everyone in there!  Then Piper received not one but two Easter baskets from Grandma and Grandpa Snitger.  They loved being a part of Piper’s first Easter!  After all the fun we dyed eggs together.

It was a beautiful warm 85 degrees and not a cloud in the sky for this Easter day.  Piper took a few naps, a walk and a trip to Uncle Mike & Aunt Christine’s for dinner.  She also got to see her Aunt Becca before returning back home in time for bath and a story, then off to bed.  What a fun filled day we had on Piper’s first Easter.

Having fun with Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa had so much fun feeding and playing with Piper today (tons of laughing and smiling too).  They’ve been getting along so well that we’re not sure what she will do when they leave.

Today she ate her cereal for lunch outside then was off for a walk.  It was so nice out that Piper enjoyed her other meals outdoors for the rest of the day.  She just loves being on the porch with the new sounds and sights.