Safely Back Home

Piper and mommy made it home safely but not before some tearful goodbyes.  Someone must have been looking out for them because they had the middle seat open on an oversold flight which was and unexpected treat.  Piper was able to play and nap in her own seat the entire way back – she’s such a good traveler.  It was a great flight!  When they landed, daddy greeted them at the airport and got them safely home to bed.

We want to thank everyone for making Piper’s trip to Beaver such a special one.  It was great to see so many people and we look forward to doing it again soon.

Rolling Rolling Rolling

Piper woke up to a beautiful sunny morning.  She went with mommy on a walk to visit Grandpa & Grandma Deelo. They enjoyed her company.  Later that afternoon Piper impressed us by rolling over from her back to her front (She’s been taking her time on rolling over).  We were so excited to see her do it and she seemed very impressed with herself too.

Going Bananas for Bananas!

Piper got to try her first fruit – bananas.  Grandma had to refill her bowl because she wanted more.  They were a big hit!  It’s so fun watching Piper eat because she enjoys it so much. This evening we went out to dinner with the Bechdel’s. Piper enjoyed being passed around the table and was able to sit and visit with everyone.  After dinner she got to meet Mr. & Mrs. Tarquinio for the first time.  Piper is enjoying all her visits with family and friends.

A Fun Evening

Piper got to spend the evening with Great Uncle Chuck and Great Aunt Joyce.  Uncle Chuck got some belly laughs while they played on the floor with mr. worm.  Piper loves hearing new sounds and gives out big smiles and laughs for squeaky toys.  Then Piper took a quick kitty nap to keep her going.  After the nap Aunt Joyce got to feed her a snack and they had some bonding time together.

Social Butterfly

Piper was one busy bee today.  She attended her first tea party at Grandma Deelo’s house.  She also got to see with her cousin Ross who just loved seeing her again. Then Piper came home to spend some time with Great Aunt Barbie. 

After a big nap Auntie Judi stopped by to see how much she has grown.  Piper is enjoying seeing everyone and is loving all the attention.