Happy Memorial Day

Piper was sleeping so soundly last night then woke up to a big surprise to find Grandma Snitger this morning!  They played and had a great time together.  Piper loved all the extra attention that only Grandma’s can give.

Daddy cooked up a whole bunch of fun stuff on the grill and we had a wonderful dinner while Piper bounced and entertained us in her exer-saucer.  What a great way to spend a Monday!

A Chilly Sunday   

Piper had another great day hanging out with the family.  Everything was back on track and we all got out on a nice long walk together.  It was still pretty chilly so Piper had to bundle up.

This evening Grandma Snitger arrived to help take care of Piper for a few weeks.  She arrived too late to kiss Piper good night but can’t wait to see her in the morning.  They are going to have a great time catching up and bonding!

8 Months Old!   

Piper had quite a busy morning running errands with mom and dad to get ready for the long weekend.  She was so good going from one store to the next and had lots of smiles for anyone who was looking.  We normally try to keep her on a schedule with her naps but she didn’t seem to mind being off track.  She liked being out in the cool crisp air and seeing so many new things. The rest of the day was spent getting back on track in time for bed. It was nice spending time together, weekends tend to go so fast.

A Quiet Day

Things were pretty quiet around the house today.  The weather was too yucky to do anything outside.  Piper did get out with mommy on an errand in between storms but that was about it.

Strange weather as of late, last week we were in record 100+ degree heat this week we’re below normal with thunder showers.  Hopefully things will mellow out for a nice summer.

Lighting, thunder, hail – oh my!

We experienced some weird weather today.  The sun was shinning when we woke up and then it started to rained with hail the size of peas.  Luckily Piper was able to spend some time outside and had a nice walk before all the rain.  Later in the afternoon we had a thunderstorm and then it poured down rain.  Piper missed the thunderstorm because it was during her afternoon nap.  She slept right through all the noise which was great!

Piper had lots to say today.  She was talking up a storm to just about anyone who would listen.  Even fell asleep babbling to herself.  She also is making a clicking sound with her tongue.  Everyday it’s something new.