A Windy Wednesday

Piper was in great spirits today because of the cooler weather that moved in.  She was able to eat outside – and of course ate like a champ.  Then she sang lots of songs on her walk.  Not sure what inspired her but it was very cute.  Her singing did get cut short when the wind picked up and we had to batten down the hatches.  She also went out on some errands with mommy and ended the day with a nice bath and bottle.  What a great ending to a nice day.

Play day with Auntie Becca

Piper had a nice visit from Aunt Becca today.  She came over in the afternoon for a fun play day!  They took a nice walk together and spent lots of time outside since it’s finally cooled off.  Piper also had a quick trip over to the doctor’s office to look at her eye.  The redness is gone and they think it was a minor scratch, nothing to be alarmed about and everything turned out fine.

We’ve been noticing lately that Piper holds her arms up when she wants to be picked up.  It’s the cutest thing!

An off day

Poor Piper was having an off day today.  She had a hard time with her morning naps leaving her pretty dazed and just not herself.  Then, her right eye became red and puffy.  Not sure what caused this but we assume she scratched or bumped it this morning when she couldn’t sleep.  It’s so hard seeing her unhappy and not having any control over it.  It’s heartbreaking.

We did get out on a walk which Piper did enjoy.  She was awake for the whole ride and loved taking it all in.  Even though she was a bit off she was still very pleasant and had a few smiles in her.

Cabin Fever

Cabin fever is starting to set in as this heat wave continues.  It did afford Piper the opportunity to see the Pens beat the tar out of the Flyers, so all was not lost. She seems to miss getting out and will be glad to do so once the heat breaks.

Today Piper welcomed a new friend, Luke Giovanni, who was born on Friday (5.16) in Philadelphia.  Both mommy and baby are doing well and we hope to meet him this fall.  Congratulations!

Hot Hot Hot!!!

It was another day of triple digit temperatures which meant another boring day inside.  Although Piper loved it because she got lots of love and attention from both mommy and daddy.  This evening was pleasant that we could all sit outside while daddy was hard at work at the bbq.