
Piper had a fun day getting ready for Valentine’s Day in her new pink outfit.  We warned her there will be lots of hugs and kisses but we don’t think she’ll mind too much.

She also received packages from Grandma Snitger and Aunt Susie & Uncle Jack that contained lots of fun things to keep her busy.  What a lucky girl!

Play Group at the Park

Piper attended her second week of toddler class and she had a ball again!  Although it was a little chilly, at least for now the sun is back.  One of her favorite activities is getting into the play-dough and Ben even joined in on the action today.  Her other favorite activity is when the parachute comes out.  Piper loves running under it and trying to push it up with her hands.  Maybe next week we’ll get a picture of it. 

Rain Rain

The day started off with lots of heavy rain showers.  Mommy and Piper met a friend for lunch and luckily got out in between storms.  They even saw a beautiful rainbow.  Too bad we didn’t have a camera with us.  Then in the afternoon the clouds blew out to cool blue skies.

view of our mountain with a bit of snow

Touch of Pink

Since it’s been a soggy couple of days we decided to visit the the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena. 

The rest of the day was spent running about.

A Rainy Day

It rained pretty much all day today.  We were able to go outside for a bit in between the storms.  Piper loved playing in the mud puddles.

my hair is getting so long!