ArtNight Pasadena

Pasadena has a semi-annual ArtNight where 14 cultural institutions are free.  It’s a great way to check out the museums throughout the town.  We took Piper out and saw the gardens at the Norton Simon Museum.  Piper had fun roaming around but really wanted to dive into the lake.  Then we stopped at Paseo Colorado for some jazz music performed by the Jazz Institute. 

All Better

Piper had a follow up appointment with her doctor today to make sure her ear infection was better.  The doctor said she looked great and gave her a clean bill of health.  Hopefully we can all stay healthy for awhile.

A New Friend

Piper had quite a day today.  First, she went to her toddler group in the morning and ran around.  Then she met a new friend for lunch.  Lonan is 20 months old and is visiting from San Francisco.  They had lunch in the park, played a bit then took a walk to see a horse.  It was one fun filled action packed day!   

Mr. Bear

Another favorite toy of Piper’s is her Mr. Bear.  She loves snuggling up with him and now tries to carry him wherever she goes.  He tends to trip her up but they still manage to get around.  It’s neat to look back at Piper at 3 months when she received Mr. Bear as a present.  Below are some now and then photos.

17 months

3 months

Lazy Sunday Outing   

It was such a beautiful day here we headed down to our favorite spot in Pasadena, The Huntington Library and Gardens.  Piper had a blast picking lots of clover flowers and running around. 

Giving Kitty some much needed attention