Dying Easter Eggs

Grandma showed Piper how to dye Easter Eggs.  Piper was really into it and had so much fun helping

Peesze may I help?!

I’m going to do it my way

OOOOhhh this is FUN!


Happy Easter!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Holiday.  Piper enjoyed her day by waking up to two special baskets left by the Easter Bunny.  She was very happy to find eggs filled with her favorite snacks, a neat book that plays music and other fun stuff.  Later that afternoon Aunt Becca came over for dinner.  She also brought a fun basket filled with neat things!  The girls had so fun much hanging out and blowing bubbles together! 

Nighty Night


Piper attended her very first Easter Egg Hunt this morning at a neighborhood park.  It was lots of fun finding eggs with treasures inside.  She even saw her new friend Jackson there and they shared a snack together afterwards. 

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny!!

Piper’s Day

Waking up to do some snuggling

Doing some coloring with my new Easter crayons

Playing with some bubbles

Hanging out with my new friends, Jackson and Preston.  These two guys live right in my neighborhood.  The best part is we are all the same age! 

Busy Bees

Piper has been keeping Grandma on the go.  We’ve done lots of fun things since she’s been out and can’t believe a week has gone by already.  So much more is in store!

We want to welcome Micah Ethan Bechdel.  He was born on Monday weighing 3 pounds 2 oz.  Congratulations Kevin, Jen & Eli!