Two Year Check-Up

Piper saw the doctor and had an excellent check-up.  They weighed and measured her on the big kid scales today making it less traumatic.  She is now 26 pounds and is 35 inches tall.  This moved her into the 50 percentile for weight and the 75 percentile for height.  The doctor thought she looked great developmentally meeting all the milestones they look for.

After the appointment we met Jackson and his mommy for breakfast in Monrovia.  A nice treat.

An Evening with Jackson

Piper and Jackson went to a street fair which had lots of fun things to do and see.

After riding in the wagon long enough they decided pulling it together would be more fun

Too cute!!!

Patiently waiting for their pumpkin balloons

Where did Piper go?!


A bouncy house ended a really great evening together. 


Today, Piper hosted the Mom’s group playdate.  Again, Piper was the only girl…

Our kids love to do Ring Around the Rosie together

Not sure what’s going on here…

Photo of todays group minus Jackson

helping the lady down the slide