Funny Stuff 

A few cute things Piper does to make us smile:

While we were all out shopping we saw a big wall of clocks.  Piper said “so many, many, many clocks”  It was too cute!  She has lots of funny phrases. 

Piper loves giving big hugs and kisses.  She practically tackles us running over to give a big bear hug.

She has started playing pretend.  We catch her playing with her baby dolls and in her kitchen making food.  Also, she will run and pretends to get something for us.  Then give us the imaginary object and say “for you” while placing it in our hands.  She can do this for a long time.

Piper also loves to read books by herself.  She knows Mommy and Daddy Hugs, Good Night Moon and many others off by heart.   Even if she skips a page or two she knows exactly what part of the story to say.  It’s fun to listen to without her knowing because she will become shy.