Spring has Sprung

Every Monday afternoon we meet our mom’s group at the park.  It was especially nice to be there today because the weather feels like Spring.  Piper was her busy self and enjoyed seeing her friends. 

Happy Valentine’s Day

Piper had a fun Valentine’s Day.  It started with a trip to the zoo with mommy and daddy.  They were having a snow day for some of the animals in their habitats.  Most all of the animals were awake today so the cool snow must have helped in this warm weather.  Then we played in the backyard before visiting Preston and Jackson in the afternoon.

Piper and mommy watching the bear play in the snow

Hanging with Mickey

Piper and mommy visited the Disney Studio lot today.  They met up with a friend of mommy’s and walked around the grounds.  This is always a favorite place for Piper to visit because there is so much to do and see. 

Our Exciting News

We wanted to announce Piper is going to be a big sister this summer.  Today we found out our new addition is going to be a BOY!  Piper adores other babies so she will be thrilled to have one of her own.  We know she is going to be a big help to mommy and daddy once the little guy arrives.  So far everything looks great at the half way point.  We will keep everyone posted on the progress.