Snow Day!

We woke up to lots of fresh snow this morning and couldn’t wait to get out and play.  Above is the view from the cabin.

Today we drove around exploring the area, went sledding and played at the park on the beach.  It was very chilly today.

photo taken from the car.  Snow is pretty exciting to us since we never get to see it.

photos over looking the lake

sledding in the snow

keeping warm at the beach.  it was very chilly and windy today.

sunset at the beach

Road Trip to Lake Tahoe

We enjoyed a little getaway up to Lake Tahoe for a few days.  Our friends graciously let us stay at their home in Incline Village on the Northeast side of the lake.  The kids did great traveling in the car for the 8 hour drive.   They were also really good being out of their element and routine.

We had so much fun!  Piper loved playing in the snow and sled riding.  Andrew probably would have enjoyed it more if he wasn’t stuck in big pouffy outfits. 

The kids playing around in the backyard before dinner

Drew warming up in his snuggly sweater

Paintbox Kids

This morning we met Piper’s friend Caden at Paintbox Kids.  It’s an open studio to do all kinds of art.  This place is right up Piper’s alley.   Andrew enjoyed hanging out but really wanted to do what the big kids were doing.  Afterwards we all had lunch together. 

Spring Time

Enjoying the beautiful Spring-like weather which is a great time of year out here.  It seems a bit early but it even smelled like Spring today. 

I have alot to say in this photo