Outside Fun

It’s been a gloomy week so we are happy to be able to spend some time outside again.   

Andrew is a busybody and is into everything!

He doesn’t like his knees touching the grass so this is how he gets around outside

Piper the Busy Bee

Piper has been very busy lately.  She got her haircut this week. Then had fun at her mommy and me class on Wednesday.  This week’s theme was making music.  She’s also been busy playing with Grandma and Grandpa.  Oh we can’t forget the daily walks she takes Desmond on and going to the park.  Piper is always on the go!

at the mommy and me class playing the triangle

we pretended it was Grandpa’s birthday.  Piper loves singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles

Piper the Dog Walker

Grandpa and Grandma are watching a dog during their stay in Pasadena.  Piper has been very helpful walking Desmond daily.  She loves holding the leash and giving the dog commands.  She is still a bit hesitant towards him but loves taking him on walks. 

Grandpa & Me Class

Piper went to a mini-sports class today with Grandpa.  She kept calling it “Grandpa and Me” class.  They did soccer, tee-ball and running exercises.  Piper had a blast.  She listened and followed all the instructions from the coaches.  We were a bit surprised she wasn’t shy because she can sometimes be quiet around men. 

The Red Team


Getting instructions from Coach Andy

Running the bases


Just a few photos of how big Andrew is getting.  He is very much on the move now.  It’s amazing how quickly he can crawl when he spots something he must have.  We really need to watch out since Piper was so timid with everything.  

Drew finally has some hair which is kind of curly on top.   Most of the time it looks like bed head.