
Week 2 of Piper’s dance class.  She is still LOVING it and thanks me all day for taking her.  She’s so sweet.

Drew is so busy walking all around while Piper’s dancing.  He keeps mommy on her toes!

A Superheros Birthday Party

Piper and Andrew helped their friend Max celebrate his 3rd birthday.  It was a superheros themed party with a big bouncy house.  All the kids received masks and wrist bands to go with the theme.  It was so much fun!

Piper dressed as a superhero ballerina

Teeth update

Andrew’s baby teeth are really taking their time coming in.  He got his first two at 10 months.  Then another one didn’t pop through until the first week of September at 14 months.  Finally, a third tooth just came through on Friday.  We can see a few buds that should be out shortly.

Ballet and Tap Dance Class   

Piper is taking another dance class from Miss Claire.  This time she is learning ballet and tap.  The class is for the girls only so mom’s have to peek through the doors to watch them.  They all looked so cute in their tutus.  The age range is 3-5 year olds. 

Mommy and Andrew had fun walking around the grounds outside.  He was just too busy to get a picture of.

mommy tried to sneak a photo but it was too dark.  maybe next time

This is Piper