15 Month and 4 Year Doctor Check-up

Piper and Andrew had their wellness checks together today.  Andrew weighed 22 lbs, 10 oz and is 33 inches long.  He is in the 95% for height and the 25% for weight keeping him consistently long and lean.  The doctor was very impressed with his physical ability but was somewhat concerned that he doesn’t have many words.  She said this is normal for boys especially when they have very vocal sisters.  We can have him evaluated to keep an eye on things.

Piper had a hearing test, an eye test, her blood pressure taken and was weighed and measured.  She weighed 34 lbs and was 42 inches tall.  She was in the 90% for height and 50% for weight.  The doctor said she met all her 4 year old milestones and most of the 5 year old ones.  All in all it was a great visit besides the 3 shots that each one had to get.