Wild Winds!

Last night we experienced some of the strongest winds we’ve ever seen.  They started around 8pm and lasted until early this morning reaching 80 miles per hour.  They never let up either which made it very hard to sleep. We woke up to what looked like a war zone.  Trees had fallen over everywhere and there was tons of debris.  We were lucky we didn’t have any severe damage and we didn’t lose our power. 

Piper slept through the whole thing and Andrew was up but it was mostly because his nose was very stuffy.  Since our area was declared a state of emergency we had to stay in.  It almost seemed like a holiday with everyone out and about and no internet access.  We put on some Christmas music and Piper decorated a gingerbread gal. 

Here’s some photos of the damage just on our block

Same tree below with Piper in it so you can see how BIG this tree was